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Make a gift and empower the WISER girls

We imagine a world where girls are healthy, educated, and in control of their own destiny. You can help us build that world.

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If you are one of our dedicated donors in Kenya and you would like to make your gift via M-Pesa, please visit this link.


In Muhuru Bay, Kenya, only 9% of girls finish school as they are limited by early pregnancy, child marriage, lack of sanitary pads, gender-based violence, or being orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

That's where WISER comes in.

At WISER, we work with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence by building environments where girls become empowered leaders.

At the WISER Girls Secondary School, we provide fully-funded education, safe housing, leadership training, guidance & counselling, reproductive health education, meals, clothing, and medicines to 240 girls each year. WISER hosts community health events, offers reproductive health training to over 2,000 youth each year, and provides 15,000 community members with access to clean water.

Thanks to WISER thousands of girls in Kenya's hardest-to-reach region are educated, healthy, and ready to lead their communities.

You can be a part of that impact.

Visit us at to learn more

If you would like to make a WISER gift via wire transfer, stock donation, planned giving, or any other alternative method, Please contact Dr. Sherryl Broverman at

By donating to WISER, you are consenting to receive occasional updates about the impact your gifts make possible. If you prefer not to be contacted, please notify us at

The donation amounts presented above are symbolic and represent gifts to the entire mission of WISER. While the amounts presented are accurate, donations will be used where needed most to help the WISER girls and their communities.